Week Beginning 5th February 2024

In Rowan Class this week, we have been busy writing our Newspaper reports based on the Mayan myth of the Hero Twins. The children had to write as if they were the reporter using all the tools that they have learnt over the last few weeks. The children produced some amazing learning, well done to them!  

In maths this week, Year 5 have been looking at the value of digits within a number with two decimal places. We followed this by looking at fractions and their equivalent decimal numbers. The children were able to use their knowledge to complete number lines. 

Year 6 have been looking at rounding 3-digit numbers, remembering the rules of when to round down or up. They followed this by looking at the place value of digits in numbers up to 3 decimal places. They then moved on to adding and subtracting numbers with 3 decimal places.  

In the last lesson of this term’s Science, Rowan Class looked at how the water filtration process works. They looked at where dirty water went after it had gone down the drain. We looked at the process to clean the water to make it safe for use to drink. Ask your children about it, I bet they have some funny facts to share with you!  

In art this week, the children made some amazing Mayan inspired masks. The children had to design these masks in previous weeks. The masks look amazing, the children have worked very hard on making these and they cannot wait to show you when they go on display.  

In PE, the children enjoyed using the apparatus to show movement in the body using different ways to travel along the climbing equipment. In Hockey, the children enjoyed a game using all their knowledge learnt from previous weeks. They showed developing stick control and good sportsmanship.  

In PSHE this week, we have spoken about personal responsibility. This is in response to some incidents outside of school using social media. We have spoken about making the right choices online and making sure we are letting adults know when we feel unsafe online.  Please ensure you are checking your child’s online activity to maintain their safety, thank you.  

Have a lovely half term!  

Mr Bowles, Miss Hayes, Miss Rackley and Mrs Harris.