15th September Weekly Review

We have enjoyed another week of great learning in Maple Class!

This week in Literacy, we have been identifying nouns within a text and expanding them, to give more detail. We used this knowledge to build expanded noun phrases to describe a character. We also learnt what a preposition is, writing sentences to explain the position of a noun.

In Maths this week, Year 4 have identified and partitioned numbers up to 1,000 and estimated numbers up to 1,000 by calculating the value of each interval on a number line. Year 3 have been learning to identify, represent and partition numbers up to 100.          

For our Geography learning this week, we have used an Atlas to identify European islands. We have also discussed what a continent is, named the seven continents and described the similarities and differences between the continents.

During our P.E. lesson this week, we learnt about the importance of physical exercise relating to our health. We learnt about the benefits of physical exercise and created drills that would increase our heart rate.

This term, we are learning about what is like to be a Christian in Britain today. For our RE learning this week, we discussed the different ceremonies that Christians celebrate. We discussed why, when and how they have these ceremonies and their significance to Christians.


  • Our swimming day is on Monday – please bring swimming kit to school
  • Our PE day is on Tuesday – please wear correct PE kit to school

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Chapman and Mrs Mallon