Term 5 week 2

Hello :) 

What an amazing week we have had in Oak Class! 


In English we have been looking at our focus text 'The Last Wolf'. We have been focusing on word types including adjectives and verbs and how we can vary these in order to write descriptions. Oak Class have really impressed me with their writing and some of their vocabulary choices have been incredible! 


In maths we have continued to look at telling the time. Oak Class can tell the time to 15 minutes and have created their own clocks to help them identify PAST and TO. 

We have also continued to look at our times tables with a focus on our 5 times tables. 


In Science we have been looking at identifying wild and garden flowers. We went on a scavenger hunt around the school and were able to identify many plants through observations. In D.T. we have continued to look at creating and designing our own watering devices using our knowledge of materials to help us.