13th October Weekly Review

We have enjoyed another great week of learning in Maple Class!

In our Literacy learning this week, we have used features learnt earlier in the term such as descriptive writing to plan and write a story based on Robinson Crusoe. We created our own character and setting using features such as similes, adjectives and expanded noun phrases to make our writing more effective and interesting to the reader. Next week, we will read our stories to each other in class.

For our Maths learning this week, Year 4 have used their place value knowledge to add and subtract numbers with up to four digits. They have showed their understanding that sometimes, an exchange is necessary across the place value columns. Year 3 have also been learning about how to add and subtract with three digit numbers using their knowledge of partitioning and place value.

In Science this week, we discussed the effect of the sun on our body, including our eyes. This led to discussion about how to stay safe in the sun including wearing sunglasses to protect our eyes from UV light rays. We learnt that we should not look directly at the sun, or a reflection of the sun as this could seriously damage our eyes.  We enjoyed designing our own sunglasses and producing our own ‘Sun Safety’ leaflet.

For our Geography learning this week, we used our IT skills to locate the UK on a map of Europe and used keyboard skills to navigate around the map to use different fonts, text colour and adding shapes such as an arrow. Next week, we will compare the UK with Malta.

This week, for our RE learning, we looked at various items that relate to a Christian, for example: a candle, a cross, a bible, stories about Jesus and pictures of a church, baptism and Holy Communion. We passed the items around and had a good discussion about what the items meant to a Christian and the fact that Christians have other things in their life that are important to them such as: walking the dog, playing games and doing the shopping.

For our Spanish learning this week, we have looked at more verbs associated with ‘Se’ which means ‘I know how to.’  For example, the children understand how to say ‘I know how to speak Spanish’ and ‘I know how to sing.’ They have extended this new learning to develop a basic conversation using their previous knowledge of Spanish. They are becoming more confident at holding a simple conversation.


Swimming is on Monday – please remember to bring swimming kit in.

P.E. is on Tuesday – please wear correct P.E. kit to school.

Go on Times Table Rock Stars!

Have a lovely weekend,


Mrs Chapman and Mrs Mallon