Term 5, Week 2

Another week has flown by in Rowan Class!

In Literacy we have been looking at the main characters in our focus text, The City of Ember. The children have written some amazing character descriptions about Lina and Doon, written a diary as if we were Lina and predicted what we think will happen next in the book.

In Maths this week, Year 5 have continued to look at angles; using a protractor to draw and measure angles accurately. To finish the week, the children looked at 2D and 3D shapes – describing their properties. Year 6 have also been using protractors to accurately measure angles.

In Science, we are exploring light and how we see. This week we have looked at how light travels. We looked at how it travels in straight lines and how light is refracted to create rainbows.

In Computing we investigated using decision boxes to create code blocks for an activity in everyday life.

In PE, we have begun to look at the skills needed to play cricket. We continued with OAA (Outdoor Adventure Activities) by following maps and co-ordinates.

PE will be on 2 days a week: Thursday (afternoon) and Friday (morning).
Please ensure your child wears the PE kit as per the school policy.

Don’t forget: School is closed on Thursday 2nd May for Polling Day and Monday 6th May as it is Bank Holiday. This term Year 6 will sit their SATS. These will take place between Monday 13th May and Thursday 16th May

We have had an amazing learning week. I cannot wait to do it all again next week!

Mr Bowles, Ms Harris, Miss Rackley and Miss Hayes.