Term 1, Week 2

This week Apple and Pears have been busy learning about Fireworks and how to be safe when around them. We spoke about the meaning behind firework night too. The children really enjoyed our science experiment of fizzy fireworks. We worked really well as two classes to share our ideas of what was happening and adding the different ingredients to our experiment. It was great fun to watch the fireworks fizzy up and bubble!

In Maths this week, we have looked at our numbers to 5 and one more. We played the bus game, where the children took it in turns to get on the bus adding one more each time. They used their subitising skills to show on their fingers different amounts and added one more each time.

The children have enjoyed exploring different materials to make firework pieces such as painting with forks, chalk in our outside area and chalk drawings on our interactive whiteboard.

It has been very exciting to start our Christmas play this week. We have started by learning our first three songs. Please ensure your child costume is in school as soon as possible as in the next coming week we will be practising our play. Thank you for your support with this.

Please if you haven’t already can you send your child’s PE kit for our PE lessons which take place every Monday.

Have a lovely weekend.

The EYFS Team.