Cherry Class Blog Week 2 Term 3

Welcome to our latest Cherry Class blog!

In Literacy this week we have started our Mayan story called 'The Hero Twins'. The boys (twins) have angered the demons and Lords of Death (!) of the Mayan Underworld and our task this week was to write descriptively about the Mayan Underworld, called Xibalba, using the senses and powerful adjectives.

In Numeracy, Year 6 were introduced to scale factors, where they looked at shapes which are represented by a scale and they've had to enlarge them or work out what they been enlarged to. In Year 5, the children looked at written methods of multiplication and associated word problems. 

In Science, Cherry Class looked at materials and their properties and investigated why some objects were specifically built out of particular materials (and why you don't have for example teapots made out of chocolate!)

We continued with our understanding of the Islam religion by looking at the 5 Pillars of Islam in more detail and some of the children had a chance to act out a story set over a 1000 years ago! 

This afternoon we again split our PE session, with an outdoor session first (hockey - tackling) and gymnastics in the warmth of the hall later on!

Have a great weekend everyone

Mr Ramsden & Miss Stokes