Cherry Class Blog Week 1 Term 1

Welcome parents and carers to the Cherry Class blog!

This blog will be completed weekly and will both inform parents of learning throughout the week, celebrate success, show pictures of the class 'at work' (!) and let you know of any upcoming events/important dates, etc.

Our PE day this term will be on a FRIDAY. Please ensure the children wear correct PE clothes to school on a Friday (plain t-shirt in their team colours, black shorts, trainers, white socks and a water bottle!) If your child is wearing a tracksuit top / sweatshirt to school, please ensure it is the colour of their house team or black. No football shirts, t-shirts with logos permitted. 

At Park Way, all home learning will be internet based. Activities on EdShed, TT Rockstars, Fiction Express will be set and passwords will be supplied to the children early next week. Any projects set also will be on Cherry 'teams' site and further information will be provided when these tasks appear. Please encourage your children to work through their home learning tasks but give them a degree of independence when completing the tasks. 

Our topic this term is 'Earth as an Island' and  we will be looking at the impact humans have on islands around the world, their location and specific human and geographical physical features. Our main class text in Literacy will be 'Kensuke's Kingdom' and in science we'll be studying 'Living Things and their Habitats'

We have enjoyed a good first week in Cherry Class, were blessed by some amazing weather and I am very much looking forward to teaching the class. Any questions, please don't hesitate to talk to me.


Mr Ramsden