Term 3 Week 4 26.1.24

In Literacy we have now read Mayan story The Hero Twins. We have explored the features of newspaper reports, looked at how to summarise a report, looked at quotation in a report and the layout of a report. This will help us to write our own newspaper report in the last week of term. We have looked at and written direct speech using inverted commas and reported speech, exploring the difference.

In Maths, year 5 have been learning to multiply fractions and learning strategies to help them. This is reliant on them knowing all of their times tables up to 12 x 12. Year 6 have been learning the early steps and skills of algebra and understanding an expression and an equation. They have been learning to represent this and find values of unknown representations.

In History we looked at the roles within Mayan society especially the role of women: rich and poor women.

In Science we are looking at Materials: Materials and their Changing Properties. This week we explored materials that are reversible or irreversible when either heated, cooled or burnt. We concluded that water, chocolate, jelly are reversible and eggs, paper are irreversible. We have also set up an experiment in the classroom to observe evaporation and whether solids can be recovered from a solution.

PE is on Thursday. This term we are learning Hockey and Gymnastics.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Rackley, Mrs Morris and Mrs Relf