29th September Weekly Review

We have enjoyed another great week of learning in Maple Class this week.

In Year 4 Maths, we have been learning about the Roman numeral system and how this changed over a number of years. We have also been learning how to round any number to the nearest 10.  Year 3 have focused on finding one, ten or a hundred more than a given number and counting in multiples of four.

For our Literacy learning this week, we have been learning how to write consistently in the past tense and learning about co-ordinating conjunctions, applying these skills within our own writing. We have continued to use our focus text, Robinson Crusoe, to support our learning. 

In our Science learning this week, Mrs Chapman gave us a piece of smooth foil paper. We could identify our eyes and nose on the paper, as it was smooth. We discussed that this is because light travels in a straight line and is reflected off the foil paper in straight lines. We were then asked to scrunch the paper up and look at the paper again. This time, we discussed that we were unable to see our face, as the light was bouncing off the paper at random angles, making it impossible to see our face. We also created our own periscope, by placing a hidden object behind a chair – our partner had to crouch down behind the chair and using two mirrors, they had to use both mirrors to see the object.

For our RE learning, we have learnt about a significant figure in history who showed Christian values; Mother Teresa. Children have used their IT skills to research facts about her and present these within a fact-file.

For our PE learning, we learnt about different types of aerobic exercise and the impact this has on our physical health. We were given various physical tasks, each with a three minute duration, to experience the impact this had on our body. We discussed how it made us feel and what was happening to our heart rate and breathing.


Please encourage your child to go on Times Tables Rock Stars regularly. This will boost their accuracy of times tables knowledge which will help with multiplication and division skills. Their log-in details are in their Reading Record.

Please also remind your child to bring their Reading Record to school every day.

Swimming is on a Monday – please bring swimming kit to school.

PE is on a Tuesday – please ensure your child is wearing the correct PE kit, in accordance with our PE uniform policy displayed on our website. We have a few children not wearing the correct PE kit. Also, children are not allowed to wear earrings for PE.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Chapman and Mrs Mallon