22nd September Weekly Review

It’s hard to believe that we have just completed week three of our first term! The children in Maple Class are demonstrating our school values and following our school and class rules consistently.

This week, for our Literacy learning, we have been creating the most amazing pieces of writing using the senses, similes and personification. We have been using these skills to improve a boring sentence into a much more descriptive sentence. I have been amazed at how simple sentences have been transformed into such descriptive writing – well done Maple Class!

For our Maths learning, Year 4 have been understanding how to partition numbers flexibly. They have also been learning how to identify, estimate, order and compare numbers up to 10,000. Year 3 have also been learning how to partition numbers, including flexible partitioning of numbers up to 1,000.  

Our PE learning this week was understanding the impact of physical education on our mental health. Firstly, we played a game in which we just had to think of ourselves. Then, we played a game in pairs and finally, a game in which we participated as a team. We discussed how we felt after each game and what the differences were between all three games. We learnt that sport can affect our mental health before, during and after a game and how to respond to these feelings.

For our Art learning this term, we are focusing on the artist Damien Hirst. We have looked at different pieces of his artwork which are often based on the theme of science. His artwork has provoked divided opinion within the class and we have enjoyed listening to each others’ opinions and reasoning. We created our own piece of art, inspired by Damien Hirst which involved mixing primary colours to make secondary colours. We then used black and white to mix different tones of colours.

This week for our Science learning, we dressed up as real scientists by wearing lab coats! We learnt about the impact that famous scientists such as Thomas Edison have had on our lives today. We looked around the classroom to identify what items are powered by electricity and what the impact of that item is. For example, without the smartboard, we would be unable to see video clips that help us with our learning. We walked in and around the school grounds, identifying which items use electricity and what life would like without these items.


Swimming on Monday – please bring swimming kit into school.

Our PE day is on a Tuesday – please wear correct PE kit into school.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Chapman and Mrs Mallon