Term 3 Week 6 9.2.24

We have come to the end of term 3.

In Literacy we have been using our understanding of newspapers to write a report as our hot write about The Hero Twins. We focused on the layout and used a checklist to make sure we included the features of a newspaper report.

In Maths, year 5 have been learning about the values of digits in a decimal number with up to 2 decimal places. They then looked at their fraction equivalents and used this knowledge to complete number lines. Year 6 have ben looking at the place value of each digit in a decimal number with up to 3 decimal places. We have also learnt how to round decimal numbers to the nearest tenth, hundredth and thousandth. We then learnt how to add and subtract decimal numbers, remembering to use 0 as a place holder and to keep the decimal point in the same column.

In Science we are looking at Materials: Materials and their Changing Properties. This week we explored filtration and why this is important as water is vital to life. We looked at pollution and why we should only drink and use filtered water.

PE is on Thursday again in term 4. We are learning Badminton and Dance.

Social Media

We have had a few issues where children have been unkind on social media. This is upsetting for children and parents to see. Please can you monitor your child's phone usage so they are kept safe online. There are age restrictions for social media apps. 

Have a lovely half term break.

Mrs Rackley, Mrs Morris and Mrs Relf