Term 1 week 4

Hello :) 

This week has been an amazing week for the children of Oak Class who have really started to find their stride in the classroom! 


In English this week we have started writing our own stories based on our focus text 'The Pirate Cruncher'. We have continued to really concentrate on sentence structure and the use of a capital letter and full stop. I have been so impressed with some of their ideas! Oak Class will continue and finish their stories next week so look out next week for some extracts from our aspiring young authors! 


In maths this week we have continued to look at place value. We have looked at reading and writing numbers both numerically and in written form up to 100 and counting in steps of 10 including on a number line. Oak Class have really developed their knowledge of counting in different steps including 1,2,5 and 10 and have focused on their recall of their 10 times tables. 


The afternoons have been extremely busy! Here is a snippet of the amazing learning we have been up to!

In science, Oak Class have been looking at asking simple questions and understanding that these can be represented in different ways. We discussed the meaning of 'waterproof' linking this to a pirate ship in our English lessons. We then conducted an experiment to see which materials are the best for a ship and presented our findings. 

In Geography we conducted some retrieval of human and physical geography and their meanings. We have then started to use this to help us begin to make comparisons between Maidstone and a Non-European country. 


Reading records should be in school DAILY. They are collected every Friday so Miss Beamish can see what reading you have been doing at home. 

Home learning is set via Oxford Owl, Fiction Express, Spelling Shed and TT Rockstars. Please ensure that you are completing this weekly. 

P.E. is on a Monday in Oak Class. Please ensure that if your child has long hair, this is tied back and earrings are removed. They cannot take part in the lessons if they are wearing earrings.