Autumn Term 1 - Week 3

Week 3

This week Holly Class began to study our focus text 'Oliver Twist' in English. We learnt that the un- prefix can be used in front of adjectives to turn it into the opposite, e.g. untidy, unhealthy, etc. We then used expanded noun phrases with the un- prefix to describe what Oliver Twist looked like.  We have continued to work on using capital letters and full stops when writing sentences and are currently working on keeping our writing on the line and forming our letters correctly.

In Maths this week we have learnt to interpret number lines and have been estimating numbers on a number line. Year 1s have been learning to estimate numbers up to 20 on a number line and Year 2s have been learning to do the same with 2 digit numbers.

This week we compared toys that Victorian children may have played with to our modern toys. We learnt that Victorian toys were made from wood and Victorian children would only have a few toys as they were more expensive during that time. In Science we continued to learn about seasons and focused this week on the changes between Summer and Autumn. In RE we learnt about the Creation Story. 

Have a lovely weekend everyone.