Week beginning 27th November

In Literacy this week, we have been looking at a range of poems from the Rhythm and Poetry collection by Karl Nova. We have looked at how rhythm, rhyme and beat has been used and how it can enhance the performance of a poem. Children had the opportunity to write a range of their own poems about something that is special to them. They also looked at Karl Nova's influences like Maya Angelou and how poetry is a really positive way to express yourself and what is important to you.

In Maths, Year 6 the children have been learning about measures and converting units of measures. The have looked at metric units as well as imperial and what we measure is most appropriate for a given situation. They have also recapped on what different units measure e.g. length is measured in m, km yet weight is measured in g, kg. Year 5 have also been learning about fractions with a focus on adding and subtracting mixed fractions. We have been converting mixed numbers to improper fractions when they are taking away larger amounts.

In History, we have been learning about Islamic medicine the Early Islamic Empire. We discussed what we have learnt over the term. We looked at how the ideas of Early Islam spread through Europe.

In PE, we are beginning to learn how play mini matches in tag rugby. The children are becoming more confident working as a team and how to best defend point scoring areas/players. We also looked at fitness and how different exercises work different body parts. This week, applied this to vaulting in PE looking at jumping on and over gym boxes.

In Science this week, we looked at how the body changes in old age. We discussed the reasons for the decline in physical and mental agility and how the appearance can change with age.

In RE, we have been looking at equality and what religion can teach us about treating people equally. This week we looked at quotes from different religious texts about the 'Golden Rule' of treating others how you wish to be treated.