Term 1 Week 5 6.10.23

In Literacy this week we have continued to read Kensuke’s Kingdom. For our learning we have been following Michael’s experience on the island that he was washed up on. He thought he was alone but met an old Japanese man called Kensuke who looked after him. We wrote character and setting descriptions for Kensuke and his cave he lives in. We wrote in the first person pretending to be Michael’s mum and dad pleading for his safe return and for anyone to help them search. We used role play to perform a press conference, then completed the week with a debate about whether Michael should try and leave the island and the effects this has on Kensuke.

In Maths, year 5 have been learning to secure their understanding to add and subtract whole numbers with up to 4 digits. They have been looking at how to use rounding and using the inverse to check calculations. Year 6 have been learning to understand multiples, factors, prime numbers, squared and cubed numbers. They have been using this knowledge to problem solve.

Our topic learning this term is called Earth as an Island. We have continued to find out about geographical features of an unknown locality (St Lucia) and our locality – Maidstone. We did some research into both locations and made comparisons. We have also looked at and explored Fair Trade and how this affects the economy around the world with a focus on the banana industry in St Lucia.

In Science we are looking at Living Things and their Habitats. This week we continued to look at the reproduction of different animal groups and explored metamorphosis. We drew the life cycles of mammals and birds and wrote about their reproduction and their life cycle.

In PSHE we explored what self-respect means and why it is important that we recognise how we feel about ourselves.

In PE, for this term, we have PE on a Thursday and a Friday. On Thursday the children will learn football and on Friday they will learn Basketball.

Every Monday we go to the school library, where children can choose a book to read.


  • Mobile Phones – Mobile phones should be brought in by children who walk home alone, not by children who are collected by their adult.
  • The children should not be bringing their own fiddle toys to school. We have a selection in the classroom.
  • Reading books should be written in when the children have read either independently or with an adult.
  • The PE kit is their team colour T shirt and black/navy shorts NOT tracksuits.
  • TTRockstars and EdShed are our home learning Apps, please go on these weekly. There are assignments on EdShed.
  • Remember to bring in a pen for our Harvest celebrations.


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Rackley, Mrs Morris and Mrs Relf