Summer Term 1 - Week 1

Week 1

Welcome back and I hope you have all had a lovely Easter break.  Our topic this term is 'Green Fingers' and our learning will be focused around plants.

In Science this week we dissected plants to identify the different parts and learnt what each part does. The children have learn to identify the stem, leaf, flower and roots.  Linked to this in DT this term we will be planning and making our own watering devices for the KS1 garden.

Year 1s and Year 2s are both learning to read time in Maths. Year 1s need to be able to read time to the nearest half hour and Year 2s need to be able to read analogue clocks to the nearest 15 minutes first and then the nearest 5 minutes.

Our English focus text is 'The Last Wolf' by Mini Grey. This week we have been learning to use expanded noun phrases to describe.