Cherry Class Blog Term 4 Week 1

Hello everyone and welcome to our latest Cherry Class blog!

First week back and everyone has been as busy as ever! We starting a new class text this week called 'Pig Heart Boy' and the children planned and wrote an independent story this week linked to this title, using features such as dialogue.

In Numeracy, both year groups have been investigating decimals and how they linked to fractions and Year 6 looked at decimal multiplication and division. 

Science this term is about evolution and adaption and we had a very interesting lesson at the beginning of the week looking at how humans have evolved over a huge amount of years. 

In RE we are studying Christianity this week and we looked at Jesus' mission statement and In PSHE the class conducted a debate looking at the laws of the land.

PE this morning was a real highlight, as we did our first dance session linked to the song 'Greased Lightning' from the film/musical 'Grease'!! The children did so well in their groups and came up with some interesting moves!

Have a great weekend everyone

Mr Ramsden & Ms Stokes