Autumn Term 1 - Week 7

Week 7

We have reached the end of our first half term in Holly Class and the children have made some great progress since the first week of school. We are becoming more independent when completing our learning and using retrieval when talking about what we have learnt so far.


In Maths this week the Year 1 children have been practising to recall their number bonds to 10, using a systematic way of recording their answers. The Year 2 children have been learning strategies to help them add numbers quickly. We have had to use our number facts for this.


In English we made tortilla pizzas and then wrote instructions using time conjunctions, imperative verbs and for the Year 2s, adverbs.


In Science we observed closely what happened when we mixed bicarbonate soda and cola together. I was very impressed with the children's explanations. These are some of the things we observed:


"I can see bubbles" - Dariya

"I can hear fizzing" - Albert